Glove - Black youth 11-inch Rawlings glove at FDR 3, 5/20/19 see photo below. Currently in Puma equipment bag
Bat - Drop 13 Easton Beast Bat. 26” 13oz found at FDR 2 on Saturday 5/4/19; contact the Steelheads coach.
Glove laying in middle of Front street Thursday night (4/4/19) about 8:00 pm outside Shot Tower field. Says Snyder on it

Bat found on Opening Day (4/6/19) at FDR Field. 
Black/blue, and red Wilson Bandit baseball glove (11.5"), lost Saturday 4/27 at FDR during the Swordfish-Barracudas 5 PM game. The Initials LWC are written on the glove.
Sneakers lost at FDR 4/28/19 
Maroon captain's chair and blue Coolibar umbrella, lost on Sunday, April 14 at FDR 2
Well worn dark brown baseball glove. Has name GIAMPETRO on it. Lost at FDR 3 on Tuesday, 4/9/19. Glove is over 40 years old and a memento.
Adidas boys baseball glove, brown leather with digital camouflage fabric parts, conditioned. Went missing after the Tigers/Lions game at Shot Tower field on April 6, 3pm. Please call Elizabeth 267-683-1080.
Left-handed child's glove and new Taney hat lost on 4/7/19 (Sunday) at Taney Field (3:00 pm game, Meteors). Please email [email protected]
Black Taney baseball cap with green logo (Steelheads) lost Sunday, 4/7/19 at FDR-2. Hat has a "JL" on the inside white tag.
Blue North Face sweatshirt (adult size) at the field on Taney Street on 4/7/19. Belongs to a family with a child on the Leopards (AAA), and it was left hanging over the fence on the dugout (on the dugout closest to Lombard Street) during the 1:00 game on Sunday.
Blue and white baseball glove (worn on the left hand) that was left at the evaluations at TPS; has the name Connor on the top side.
Contact us: [email protected] to claim a found item or report a lost one.