Taney Youth Baseball Association, Inc. (TYBA) is a Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation whose purpose is to provide youth baseball for children ages 12 and under.  Where possible, TYBA also provides opportunities for youth baseball through age 15.   TYBA is organized exclusively for charitable, literary, scientific, religious and educational purposes provided for under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.  TYBA offers youth baseball games in the Philadelphia area with its primary activities centered at the Markward Recreation Center at Taney and Pine Streets (�Taney Field�), Shot Tower Recreation Center at Front and Carpenter Streets, Palumbo Recreation Center at 10th & Fitzwater Streets, and Starr Garden Recreation Center, located at 6th & Lombard Streets.  We are an instructional league, aiming to teach the children the skills of baseball and good sportsmanship.  We emphasize having fun, enjoying athletic pursuits, and teamwork, over scores or records.  Parents and coaching staff are focused on encouraging all players to do their best, improve their skills, and help their teammates, while stressing positive attitudes toward the game, one�s own performance, officials, the other team, and all coaching staff.  No smoking or alcohol use is permitted at any games, practices, or field houses.

A note to coaching staff:
Please encourage your players at every opportunity.  Emphasize positive and constructive comments, helping the children to feel good about themselves and about playing sports.  These players are young; while enthusiastic, they often need significant help learning the skills and rules of the game.  Also, remember that you are a role model for them.  Please refrain from profane language or derogatory comments about players, other coaches, or officials.  Show, by example, that you respect the judgment and position of authority of the umpire.  Competition is important to the older players, but shouldn�t dominate over learning and enjoyment.  Help teach the values of good sportsmanship, teamwork, fair play, loyalty, and discipline.  And remember - you�re here to have fun, too!

A note to parents:
These players need your support and encouragement.  We hope you will cheer at all games, support your team, and refrain from negative or discouraging comments about players, coaches, or officials.  The children are here to have fun and learn the skills and rules of baseball.  Please support them in this.  Please help your child(ren) attend practices and games on time.  Help your manager or coach in any way you can.  Become involved in the Taney Youth Baseball Association--this not only helps to make the league successful, but sets an example to the children of involvement, participation, and community responsibility.  If you have concerns, please discuss them with your child�s manager at a non-game time.  General concerns about the league can be addressed to any Board Member.  All parents and community members are invited and encouraged to attend Board meetings.  Meetings are held at the offices of Concorde, Inc., 12th floor, 1835 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA  19103-2994.  Please call (215) 563-1847 for information if you are interested in attending the next meeting.

� 2005 Taney Youth Baseball Association
1835 Market St. 12th Floor,
Philadelphia PA 19103
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