
Online Registration is now available for 2008!




Download Baseball/Tee-Ball/Softball Paper Application Here

Download 13-15 Paper Application Here

Or Call 215-563-1847 for an Application Packet


  TYBA is proud to announce that there is again NO fee increase for 2008.  Our registration fee is only $75.00 for the first child in each family, with a$10.00 discount to each additional child of the same family. There is also an �Early Bird Discount� of $10.00 per child, if your application is received by February 10, 2008.  Returning families will be given priority until February 10, 2008.  After that, all applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until our enrollment is filled.  This year we are also offering online registration with Visa or Mastercard at www.taneybaseball.com.   Register online or send in your completed application today to assure your child a place this season.  If you are thinking of coaching in 2007, please let us know now.  With our draft system, baseball and softball managers and coaches must volunteer early, and are encouraged to attend tryouts of all players in their coaching divisions.  We would also like to hear from Tee-ball coaches.

 One of TYBA�s goals has been to provide a quality but affordable instructional baseball league for the community.  Our registration fees are still among the lowest in the area.  We do not have special fund-raisers or sell raffle tickets or novelties, and we do not have a concession stand to raise funds.  In 2006, enrollment fees provided only a small percentage of the income needed to offset expenses for uniforms, equipment, postage, field maintenance, printing, insurance, trophies, professional umpires, and training for coaches and managers.  The balance of our income has always come from personal and business contributions and donations.  TYBA does not turn away any child, regardless of the family�s ability to pay.

 In 2008 it will cost over $115.00 per child to provide the TYBA experience. Each child�s �FAIR SHARE� would therefore be an additional $40.00, or $115.00 total.  For parents who can afford to pay their �FAIR SHARE,� please consider sending an additional $40.00 tax-deductible contribution, or whatever you wish to contribute, to TYBA with your registration.  Please check to see if your employer offers matching contributions!  There will be no further solicitation of FAIR SHARE contributions beyond this letter.  Support TYBA and help us continue to provide quality instructional baseball to our Center City youngsters!

� 2007 Taney Youth Baseball Association
1835 Market St. 12th Floor,
Philadelphia PA 19103
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